Stories written by :

Dr. Nana

long-distance love spell

Love from Afar: A Spell to Strengthen Long-Distance Relationships

Dr. Nana
Lost lover Spells

Attracting a Faithful Partner: A Spell for Love and Loyalty

Dr. Nana
Lost lover Spells

Healing Heartbreak: A Spell to Release Pain and Restore Inner Peace

Dr. Nana
Lost lover Spells

Building a Stronger Connection: A Spell to Deepen Love and Strengthen...

Dr. Nana
Lost lover Spells

Reuniting with a Lost Lover: A Spell for Love, Reunion, and...

Dr. Nana
Immortalization Spell

The Immortalization Spell: Granting Eternal Life to a Chosen Character

Dr. Nana
Absolute Damage Spell

The Absolute Damage Spell-Power of the Vampiric Spell

Dr. Nana
Nebula Touching spell

Nebula Touching: A Dual-Purpose Spell of Heat and Healing

Dr. Nana
Magic Spells

The Magic Mask of the Star’s Rays: A Beacon of Connection...

Dr. Nana
Blacklisted healers

Blacklisted Healers: Spells That Heal in Unconventional Ways

Dr. Nana
